With a fleet of new landers and rovers in the works from nations and companies around the world, humans aren’t finished exploring the moon by a long shot. Most of those landings occurred near the lunar equator, leaving the poles largely unexplored. Then humanity took a 37-year break from landing on the moon before China achieved its first lunar touchdown in 2013. and Russian landings-occurred between 19. Relive the memorable moments of Neil Armstrong’s and Buzz Aldrin’s first steps in Space, the phone call with. Hang out with friends near the Lunar Module, the American flag and more while and learning about the Lunar experiments. Explore the realistic and true-to-scale recreation of the Apollo 11 moon landing site. Of the 21 lunar landings, 19-all of the U.S. See the Earth from the Moon, just like Neil and Buzz did on July 20th, 1969. Some even hope to build a radio telescope there, shielded from the radio noise of Earth, to study the most ancient reaches of the universe. As more spacecraft reach the far side, planetary scientists able to closely study this alien realm, possibly revealing the history of the moon’s formation along with our own planet’s past. Moon Atlas is an astronomy application that lets you use pinch and finger gestures to manipulate a 3D globe of the Moon. The far side is pocked by ancient craters, mountains and rugged terrain, largely devoid of the smooth maria (basaltic plains) we see on the near side. (M175252641L,R) The Apollo 15 Lunar Module (LM) Falcon set down on the Hadley plains (26.132N, 3.634E) a mere 2 kilometers from. The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) is parked to the far right, and the Lunar Module descent stage is in the center. Earlier this year, the Chinese spacecraft Chang’e 4 successfully landed on the far side of the moon. Apollo 15 landing site imaged from an altitude of 15.5 miles (25 km). Today, robotics has advanced to the point that landers and rovers operated from Earth provide a capable and cost-effective way to explore the moon.įrom research conducted by the Apollo missions, other successful moon landings, dozens of orbiters and powerful telescopes here at Earth, we know more about our one natural satellite than at any point in history.

New version destripped using Niels Noordhoek routine (Thanks to him ) Pictures extracted from LOPAM and taken by Lunar Orbiter 4 probe.

However, robotic exploration of the lunar surface in the latter half of the 1960s played a crucial role for those crewed landings and the boot prints that followed. Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas Of The Moon ( Lopam ) Contains more than 1000 pictures extracted from LOPAM and taken by Lunar Orbiter 4 probe. The most renowned moon landings are undoubtedly the six Apollo lunar touchdowns, carrying humans to another world for the first time (and still, the only time).